Eskrima DeCuerdas
Program Overview (Sign Up)
• Core focuses: Moving with purpose.
• Course 1: Larga Mano - 5 levels to complete
• Course 2: Serrada - 5 levels to complete
• Course 3: DeCuerdas - 5 levels to complete
• Course 4: Black Cord Program (selection process)
Larga Mano | Level 1- 5: ‡ 22 Strike methods • Countering techniques • Section of the weapon • Range control • Estillo Defondo Serrada | Level 1- 5: ‡ Footwork • Countering templates • Box flow • 12 Serrada strikes DeCuerdas | Level 1- 5: ‡ Octagon methods • Vertical strikes • Footwork • Countering techniques
As a Student
As a student, you will complete the Kada Anan Martial Arts Association's curriculum that meets the standards of the Larga Mano, Serrada, and DeCuerdas system.
Rank Awarded
‡ Black cord, instructor
Estimated Length
90 Months
5 Levels | 3 Courses
Program Cost
$870 per level
In-person Training
Class Times
Varies by age group
Belt Examination
15 Exams